As China continues to fight the coronavirus pandemic, reports have taken a medical lab manager in Henan province into custody on charges of spreading the virus. Chinese officer has been held in custody for “suspected criminal offense”. The person has been reported to have worked at Jhenjhau Kingmed Clinical Laboratory Center. The laboratory has said it will “actively assist” with authorities. However, officials have not clarified the COVID-19 rules that were broken. Local police said Zhang violated the law and "committed action" that spread the virus. The incident took place in Henan's Yuzhau, which is reported to have more than 1 million residents. Chinese officials respond to alleged violators of Covid rules. Last month China's riot police reportedly parade four people on the street for breaking virus rules. The suspects were allegedly wearing a hazmet suit in Jingsey city in the Guangsi region. The alleged virus violators were accused of transporting illegal immigrants to the border in China under close investigation by authorities. Henan Province has been badly affected by the virus reported 87 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday. China has been fighting the delta variant rapidly spreading virus since September last year. Authorities had locked down the city of Siyan first after an omicron version began to spread after additional sanctions were imposed in Chinese port city of Tianjin. Chinese officials have been following a “zero-COVID” policy, however, many cities have seen an increase in COVID-19 infection due to omicron in recent weeks. The country prepares to host a winter Olympics next month and officials are concerned that an omicron variant could invite a large portion of the country. China had earlier announced cancellation of many international flights, including the United States, even though it urged citizens to not travel during the Moon New Year. (With information from agencies)


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